Pressemitteilung der Europäischen Agroforstvereinigung EURAF

Die European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF) hat heute eine Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht, in der sie für eine stärkere Umsetzung der #Agroforstwirtschaft bei der Transformation der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft in der EU plädiert. Dazu hat sie ein Positionspapier mit konkreten Empfehlungen, wie das gelingen kann, veröffentlicht.

🌳Agroforestry – key for EU’s agriculture & food vision🌳

As the EU Agri-Food Days commence in Brussels, we are pleased to announce our comprehensive document titled “Agricultural trees for resilient landscapes: a vision for European agroforestry”.

This vision builds upon the momentum generated by the September Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture and sets the stage for the upcoming Vision for Agriculture and Food.

📃 Our vision delves into the science and practice of agroforestry, exploring how to optimise support mechanisms and offering 17 concrete recommendations to shape future policies.

As Bohdan Lojka, President of EURAF, stressed:

“The current framework of the Common Agricultural Policy is a game-changer for European agroforestry”. Still, the wider adoption of agroforestry is limited and may be accelerated through better-tailored financial incentives, improved tools to quantify the impact of agroforestry systems, as well as better future alignment with EU/international policy instruments.

👉 Read more in our press release: